It is the more extended area of Mercato Mediterraneo. It is dedicated to wheat and to the different and ancient cereals. Wheat itself has been for millenniums the main nourishment of western civilizations, influencing in times the society and the agro-food landscape of the area dramatically.
And since it is a fact that that what we eat changes us genetically, we may surely affirm our civilization is the grain civilization, as this cereal, among others, deeply characterizes the Mediterranean societies.
The Mediterranean Sea: a sea of trades, a medium for the promotion of interaction among the diverse populations, creator of richness. Three continents around a unique sea, the Mediterranean koine: Euro-Mediterranean, Afro-Mediterranean and Asian-Mediterranean. In this view, fishing represents a primary activity, known to men since the dawning of civilizations, long before farming developed. The shaping of boats, the knowledge of winds, stars, orientation, the fishing techniques and the derived culinary traditions marked in fact during centuries a distinctive character in the culture and history of the Mediterranean Basin.
This area will be reserved to the immense universe of oils, to live not only the experience of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil, but also that of the semi oily seed extracts. The EVO, undisputed king of the Mediterranean diet, that provides a quantity of nutrients essential for the well-being of our body, will be on show in all the possible presentation: nutrition, health and beauty.
The Contamination Space will therefore host paths and recounts that tell us how such contaminations brought about positive effects as well-being, taste and beauty; and also they originated circular market itineraries, with Rome as central territory to spread through concentric circles, far and out to reach the more distant territories, corresponding today to the event hosted countries. Theme roads (i.e. the road of couscous) where to find all the products related, with the presence of experts with the function of purchase influencers (a sort of personal shoppers) ready to accompany the visitors and to supply them with complete theme information.
It is the conference and workshop area of MERCATO MEDITERRANEO. We may say that today dialogue and political messages on the themes of food are contradictory: our event presents instead its TED talks, short and active compelling meetings, animated by “hot” players that will see the presence of prepared and proposing counterparts who will not hesitate to expose themselves and their views.